Local suppliers feeding rock salt demands across state

COEYMANS, N.Y. ( NEWS10 ) – Another winter storm is headed our way and many are trying to prepare for the storm by stocking up on rock salt. But there’s a rock salt shortage happening across the state and it’s brought truck drivers from all over the region to Coeymans.

Inside of a warehouse at the Port of Coeymans you’ll find a small mountain of rock salt. An employee said the giant pile was even bigger just two days ago. The warehouse was nearly full but delivery drivers from Syracuse, Buffalo, Long Island and even New Jersey have been picking up rock salt here.

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“Right now we are loading up over 300 trucks a day with salt and those trucks will carry 22 to 33 tons of salt each. They’ll deliver it to the municipalities,” said Josh Kowalski, the Vice President of Sales and Business Development at the Port of Coeymans.

Those municipalities will deliver it to your streets for safer sidewalks and roadways. Kowalski said the cold weather and the amount of storms this winter has led to unprecedented demand and put a strain on the rock salt supply…

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