12-Year-Old Girl Runs Her Own Business

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A local 12-year-old is learning the ropes of entrepreneurship by running her own handmade goods business. What started as a typical lemonade stand has blossomed into a full-fledged operation. She designs and creates her products, manages her own website, and sells her goods at local markets.

Her parents have taken a supportive yet hands-off approach, allowing her to learn through trial and error. One example is when she encountered an unexpected international shipping cost. Rather than intervening, her parents let her navigate the situation, leading to a valuable lesson in cost management and problem-solving.

This young entrepreneur hasn’t been going it alone. She’s taken advantage of online business classes and local programs like Youth Biz, where she’s developed a business plan, built a mobile app, and learned about financial management, including paying sales tax.

She’s also a keen observer at the markets, studying other vendors’ displays, pricing strategies, and customer interactions to refine her own approach. Networking with fellow entrepreneurs has proven invaluable.

The experience has shifted her perspective on money. While initially eager to spend her earnings, she now prioritizes saving and reinvesting in her business. This journey has not only taught her valuable financial literacy skills but also fostered resilience and resourcefulness.

Her parents have learned alongside her, resisting the urge to smooth her path and instead empowering her to overcome challenges independently. They believe this hands-off approach is building crucial life skills that will serve her well beyond her current venture.

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