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New Haven, CT – A lost baby seal pup took an unexpected detour through downtown New Haven this weekend, far from his ocean home. Police responded to a call Sunday afternoon about a possibly injured seal near the city center. Officers stayed with the pup until he could be transported to Mystic Aquarium for rehabilitation.
The adventurous seal, just a few weeks old, was reportedly spotted in nearby Branford last week. He was even seen closer to the water in New Haven on Saturday, but was relocated to a beach. His instincts apparently led him back to the city streets.
Mystic Aquarium staff confirmed the seal was dehydrated and lethargic upon arrival, weighing in at only 28 pounds – significantly less than a typical newborn gray seal. He’s now receiving fluids and a special fish formula to help him recover.
The aquarium expressed relief at the seal’s rescue, calling him “lucky.” Their goal is to return him to the ocean once he is healthy and strong.
New Haven police officers have been checking in on the pup, even visiting him at the aquarium. One officer joked that the seal might have been in town to sample New Haven’s famous clam pizza.
Gray seals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. While they are usually found in North Atlantic coastal waters, it’s not unheard of for them to stray into urban areas. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration advises the public to contact their local stranding network if they encounter a stranded marine animal and to maintain a safe distance.