New York State Putting Devices in Cars to Limit Speed?

There is a new technology that New York State used in order to limit the speed in cars and trucks.

New York State hired an agency to study whether a new technology with anti-speeding capability should be installed in all cars. The agency is setting the speed to 11 miles per hour over the speed limit. Now, the device does not break for you; it simply stops accelerating after a certain limit.

How do the cars know what the speed limit is?

The agency that is using the technology in New York State and testing it to see if it will be beneficial for all drivers. There is a GPS that knows what the speed limit is supposed to be on each road. This ‘experiment’ has been done in New York over the last year, and they had some interesting results.

ISA prevents a vehicle from further accelerating once it is traveling at or above the posted speed limit or a different limit that DCAS can set. DCAS often sets vehicles at 11 miles per hour above the posted speed limit to help with driver adoption and transition to the technology”, according to

They found that the cars with the limiters in them:

  • Drove a total of almost 134,000 miles combined.
  • The limiter worked properly over 99% of the time that it needed to be used.
  • Had a massive impact on how many hard breaking incidents happen. There was about a 30% reduction in how much people break ‘hard’.

There is some concern from New York State drivers, though, For example, what if you NEED to speed up a little more for safety reasons? What about speeding up to get around a car that might be in distress or driving erratically? What if there is an emergency? All of these concerns have some validity to them, but we are still in the early stages of this becoming a thing, and it may not ever happen…

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