Frail Oregon Woman Escapes Prison with Probation After Shooting Abusive Ex-Husband

A frail 74-year-old woman who pleaded no contest to shooting her husband in Southeast Portland has been sentenced to two years of probation by Circuit Court Judge Kelly Skye. The judge said the mandatory seven-and-a-half-year sentence for attempted murder was ‘too inflexible.’

Passing sentence, Judge Skye said she was sure everyone involved in the case would agree that a trial would be ‘too risky’ for Lana Strand, given her age and the condition of her health.

Strand faced charges of attempted murder and the unlawful use of a weapon after shooting her former husband, Kenneth Strand, at the St. Anthony Village home for senior citizens on 22 February 2024.

His Relatives Bandied Together in Support of Her

His relatives bandied together to support Lana Strand, claiming that her ex-husband had been emotionally and physically abusive to her for many years. The couple were married in 1979 and divorced 10 years later…

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