Walmart Tortilla Surprise Angers Shopper

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Local shopper slams Walmart’s Great Value tortillas in viral TikTok video. The shopper, Zoe, purchased a sealed package of medium-sized tortillas, expecting a good deal. However, upon opening the package, she discovered one tortilla significantly smaller than the others.

Zoe questioned whether the small tortilla was meant to be a bonus, but after counting, she realized there were only nine medium tortillas plus the tiny one. Frustrated, she threw the package down and left the room.

The video sparked a debate online. Some viewers shared similar experiences, even suggesting Zoe contact Walmart’s corporate office for a refund.

Others felt she overreacted, pointing out the low price of the tortillas. Some even suggested the size difference was simply a factory error.

This isn’t the first time Walmart’s Great Value brand has faced scrutiny. Another TikTok video previously highlighted how the brand’s orange juice bottles appear larger than they actually are, containing less juice than a standard gallon.

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