These Surfers Had Conversations With Random People Using Lines From ‘Point Break’

Gawd, I love people who don’t take surfing seriously. Well, check that, we all have to take surfing seriously sometimes, like when we’re navigating a crowded lineup on a big-ish day, or giving the stink eye back to someone giving us the stink eye. But mostly, surfing is fun. And fun shouldn’t be overly serious. And the comedic duo from “Chad and JT Go Deep” mostly make surfing fun.

They make it fun by giving Ellen DeGeneres their different definitions of stoke. Or lobbying the San Clemente city council for any number of different causes in their Spicoli-inspired cadence. My personal favorite was Chad’s (real name Tom Allen) reaction to the audio book, 50 Shades of Grey.

Well, recently, the surf comedy team stepped it up. With Strider Wilson filling in for JT, he and Chad roamed around Huntington Beach, California having conversations with people in classic quotes from the uber-classic film, Point Break (video below)

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