In Hollywood Heights, the Trees Sell Houses

A couple of the best trees in Hollywood Heights are for sale. As a bonus, there’s a lovely house that goes with them. You may not think people would buy a home because of the trees, but a tree played a big part in my home-buying decision many years ago.

After discovering Hollywood Heights in 1990 and touring several houses, a pecan tree sealed the deal for me. Growing up through the back deck and towering over the house, the massive pecan seemed to offer both protection from the elements and nourishment for the soul. I was hooked.

Hollywood Heights may be best known for its stone-embellished Tudor homes, but when people come here for our neighborhood home tour each year, you hear them marvel over our trees. We could probably host a tree tour!

You may not know an address in the neighborhood, but if you say, “Oh, it’s the house with the two giant Deodar Cedar trees,” everyone knows you mean the adorable Hollywood Heights ranch on the corner of Cordova and Ash. I walk by it every day with the pups, and we always stop to admire not only the historic giant trees but the beautiful landscaping…

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