DAYTON, Ohio ( WDTN ) – A Greene County fire chief was placed on leave after an internal complaint at a special meeting.
According to the Minutes obtained from the Thursday, Jan. 28 Miami Township Trustees meeting, multiple motions were approved by the board.
- Resolution 2025-05 “Placing the Fire Chief on Paid Administrative Leave” received a unanimous vote.
- A motion to investigate the Miami Township Fire Department complaint received a unanimous vote.
- Resolution 2025-06 “Resolution Designating and Authorizing Brossius, Johnson and Griggs law firm to Conduct an Investigation and Prepare any Necessary Charges in Connection Therewith” received a unanimous vote.
- A motion to approve $5,000 for the law firm received a unanimous vote.
- Finally, a motion to appoint Captain Nathaniel Ayers to be acting assistant fire chief received a unanimous vote.
It is important to note the Trustee Board Chair, Chris Muncher, did not attend the Jan. 28 meeting.
In the Minutes from the Monday, Feb. 3 Miami Township Trustees meetings Mucncher voiced comments on the leave. (Here is the YouTube video of the meeting.)…