Tarrant, Texas struggle with access to mental health care. Leaders will explore solutions

When it comes to mental health care access in Texas, the data is unambiguous. Mental Health America, the leading organization promoting mental health and well-being, puts the state dead last in its nationwide access rankings, which measure access to insurance, treatment and mental health workers.

“There’s one mental health professional for every 700 people in the state of Texas. In the state of California, it’s one per 70,” said Christina Judge, the executive director of Mental Health Connection of Tarrant County. “So what are they doing differently that we’re not doing?”

Those statistics hit home in Tarrant County, where 1 in every 6 people is diagnosed with depression. The state of mental health care in the county will be at the center of a Feb. 26 Candid Conversation event at Texas Wesleyan University. During the panel organized by the Fort Worth Report, mental health professionals will gather to discuss the lack of access to mental health care in Tarrant and possible solutions to improve resource visibility.

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When: 7:30-9 a.m. Feb. 26…

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