‘Make this life count’: Thank you from John Boel

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) – Today we say farewell to longtime Louisville anchor John Boel. John had dedicated 40 years to journalism, immersing himself in the community and working to change the lives of others. The impact he’s made inside and out of the newsroom is infinite. On his final day at WAVE, John thanked viewers and supporters who have stayed by his side throughout the years.

“At 6:30 p.m.- that’s a wrap. My parents taught me to write Thank You notes. This one covers 36 years in Louisville, 16 thousand hrs of newscasts I anchored here (I calculated), and thousands of stories I did.

From my animal shelter investigations in the ‘90s to CPS exposes in the ‘00s to neighborhood crime undercovers in the ‘10s to hospital discharge investigations in the ‘20s and everything in between, I always most valued – being your voice. When my recovery sponsor told me my name was all over the Next Door app with people urging others to come to me, I felt good inside. Thank you for trusting me with your crises. People always ask me why I put myself in dangerous positions. It’s because many of you are in those dangerous positions and you need help. I believe news anchors need to get out and embed themselves in the issues you’re dealing with- to truly have perspective during newscasts.

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