Four Lafayette Restaurants Broke Louisiana Law on Imported Shrimp

( Lafayette , Louisiana) – If you’ve been ordering shrimp at your favorite Lafayette seafood spot expecting fresh, wild-caught Gulf shrimp, you might not have been getting what you paid for. A recent investigation found that several local restaurants are serving imported shrimp—without properly labeling it, as required by Louisiana law .

According to reports from KLFY News 10 and The Advocate, a study conducted by SeaD Consulting revealed that 33% of sampled Lafayette-area seafood restaurants were selling farm-raised imported shrimp. Of the 24 restaurants tested, eight were serving non-Gulf shrimp, and four of those were misrepresenting the source of their shrimp dishes. Louisiana law requires that any restaurant serving imported shrimp or crawfish must clearly indicate the country of origin on menus or signage, along with the word “imported.”

Food for thought from KLFY. Those PCR and molecular biology techniques you learned in cell and molecular biology lab can……

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