17-year-old pulled over for allegedly traveling 86 MPH in 40 MPH zone in Colorado

Colorado’s Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office recently busted a teenage speeder who was allegedly traveling at more than twice the posted speed limit.

A post about the situation was made on February 25, with the incident taking place while Deputy Mason was conducting routine speed enforcement in the area of E. Hamden Avenue and S. Himalaya Street. According to the report, a driver sped by Mason, reportedly clocked at 86 miles per hour in a 40 miles per hour zone.

Once a stop was made, it was revealed that the driver was 17 years old and didn’t even have his driver’s license yet – only a driver’s permit. Additionally, the teen was reportedly not wearing a seatbelt and is said to have a minor passenger in the vehicle with him when he was pulled over…

Story continues