No charges to be filed against man repeatedly struck by Hennepin County deputies

A man punched multiple times in the face by Hennepin County Sheriff’s deputies during an arrest in south Minneapolis in January won’t face any charges, while an investigation by another sheriff’s office has reportedly ruled that the deputies’ actions were “justified.”

Video of the Jan. 9, arrest emerged earlier this week , showing two deputies on top of a man while one of them attempts to handcuff or zip-tie his wrists. As the man yells, the deputy nearest to the camera strikes him four times in the head area as he tries to get the cuffs on. Then, the second deputy appears to inflict a much more forceful blow to the back of the head.

On Friday, the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office says it was declining to bring charges against the beaten man, who had been arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm and drug possession. It said the deputies “did not appear to have probable cause to escalate this interaction from a stop to an arrest,” and it would be unlikely to prevail if it brought prosecution due to possible violation of his 4th Amendment rights…

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