SWAT team raided the wrong Denver apartment and traumatized two young girls, lawsuit says

DENVER — Kirsty Shelton was at home preparing lunch and watching television with her daughters and their grandmother when they were startled by loud banging on their apartment door by a SWAT team looking for a man who lived across the hall. Shelton’s mother told them they had the wrong apartment but, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday against the Denver officers, she and her daughter were ordered outside at gunpoint.

When the officers then entered the apartment, they encountered two girls, ages 5 and 6, in their bedroom. According to the body camera footage of the June 2023 incident, an officer told them they could play there and that he would get their grandmother, but the girls began to scream.

Police then put the family, including another adult who had just gotten out of the shower, into a locked police car for about an hour and took over their apartment as they continued to search for the suspect, according to the lawsuit. It says police knew the man they were looking for lived in apartment 307, not 306 where the Shelton family lived, and that the numbers were clearly marked. It claims police didn’t admit to making a mistake but instead denied the raid ever happened…

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