Newly-minted Miami-Dade Sheriff Sheds Light on Law Enforcement Policies: ‘Your Immigration Status Is Not the Priority’

Miami-Dade Sheriff Rosie Cordero-Stutz has sought to clarify her office’s role in immigration enforcement following a new federal agreement allowing Florida sheriffs to assist U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Speaking at a community forum, she emphasized that her office remains committed to public safety but will not prioritize immigration status in routine interactions:

“If you are a criminal in this county who is actively committing crimes, you will be arrested. We are going to be enforcing the laws. This agreement means we are now part of that process, but we don’t have exact direction because the federal government hasn’t told us how they’re going to need that support”

The aforementioned federal agreement, announced on Wednesday, allows local law enforcement to enforce immigration violations as part of their routine duties and allows ICE to train, certify and authorize local law enforcement to serve and execute administrative warrants in their jails…

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