$8 MILLION! 2 Texas Winners Scratch Off For Life-Changing Payouts

A couple of folks in Texas had a really good week.

The final week of February produced two multimillion-dollar winners on Texas Lottery scratch-off games. One ticket was worth a $5 million payout, while the other paid out $3 million.

Both tickets were purchased at small convenience stores, one in north-central Texas and the other in northeast Texas.

$5,000,000 Fortune

It costs $100 per ticket to play this game from the Texas Lottery. It has only been available since early February. It features four top prizes of $5 million, one of which has now been claimed, thanks to a winning ticket that was sold at this store:

This small store is located on Fall Creek Road in Granbury, southwest of Fort Worth. The odds of winning one of the jackpot payouts are a little more than 1 in 1.4 million.

30X Supreme

This $30 ticket features four top payouts of $3 million. It was put into circulation in mid-December. One of the jackpot-winning tickets was sold at a convenience store in Bedford (near Dallas) in early January. A second top-winning ticket was sold this past week at this store:

Lynch’s Food Store is located in eastern Tyler on 5th Street. When this game was first introduced, the approximate odds of winning one the top jackpots were 1 in 1.77 million…

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