Arizona wants to spend over $1 billion on widening highways over the next 5 years

PHOENIX — The Arizona Department of Transportation is seeking public feedback on a plan to spend over $1 billion on widening and improving highways over the next five years.

VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL: Arizona busca invertir más de $1,000 millones en ampliar carreteras durante los próximos 5 años

A tentative five-year construction plan is under review for over $12 billion in infrastructure projects throughout the Grand Canyon State. One section of that plan would include allocating funds for the following widening projects:

  • $137 million to widen Interstate 10 south of Phoenix from the Gila River Bridge to Gas Line Road
  • $290 million to widen Interstate 10 from Alvernon Way to Valencia Road in Pima County
  • $600 million for widening Interstate 10 from Kino to Country Club in Pima County
  • $110 million to widen State Route 260 east of Payson (Lion Springs segment)
  • $68 million to widen US 93 north of Wickenburg (Vista Royale segment)
  • $50 million to widen US 93 at Big Jim Wash between Wickenburg and Wikieup
  • $66 million to replace the Colorado Bridge on Interstate 10 at the California border, a joint project with CalTrans
  • $240 million to widen Interstate 17 from Sunset Point to State Route 69
  • $62 million for the new land port of entry road and facility in Douglas

Much of the funding allocated in the plan would also be used on pavement projects on various highways…

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