13 States That Tax Your Groceries on Top of Inflated Prices

With inflation on the rise and prices seeming to skyrocket everywhere, many people certainly are struggling to save money on groceries . Luckily, food prices are only expected to rise 1.1% in 2025, according to the USDA Food Price Outlook.

Twelve of the 45 states with a sales tax charge statewide taxes on groceries on top of any local or municipal taxes collected. Among those 12, some states offer lower tax rates on food or a rebate for you to claim on your tax return, but others tax groceries based on the total sales tax rate.

Editor’s note: These rates are subject to change due to frequent alterations to sales tax regulations .

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1. Alabama

Alabama is one of the few states that applies the whole state sales tax rate of 3% to food and groceries, a reduction from 4% as of September 2023…

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