Iowa Man Charged with Tampering and Endangerment After Sedalia Police Chase

On the morning of Sunday, March 2nd, Pettis County Deputies received an alert about a stolen vehicle entering the city of Sedalia from the west city limit, at Curry Drive and West 50 Highway. The vehicle was located travelling eastbound on US 50.

As Deputies were updating the Pettis County Joint Communications with information, they noticed the driver of the suspect vehicle appeared to be nervous. He was looking at the Deputies through his driver’s side mirror. The suspect vehicle then turned into the parking lot at 801 South Limit. The suspect vehicle drove south through the parking lot and came out onto West 9th Street, travelling eastbound. Deputies activated their emergency lights to conduct a stop.

The suspect vehicle then failed to yield to the Deputies, and began to flee. The suspect vehicle fled eastbound on West 9th Street, and then back through the a parking lot to the east (the name of the business was redacted in the Probable Cause Statement). The suspect vehicle then entered onto US 50, fleeing eastbound.

Deputies advised they were in pursuit…

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