Essay: In the Dark, Cold Mornings

We all agree that witnessing daybreak is the best part.

Never mind that the West YMCA impedes some of our view, or that Beltline traffic barrels by just 100 feet away, or that at present it’s a bracing 20 degrees outside. Twice a week we roll out of bed when the sky is cold and black, and we tug on layers of Polartec and Merino wool because we’ve found that the old adage is, in fact, true: There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

We meet in our parking lot at 6:15 a.m. — and yes, it’s “our” parking lot; we staked a claim five years ago and nobody has ever showed up to argue otherwise. While our instructor — Mackenzie on Tuesdays, Regina on Fridays — cranks the music, we unroll our exercise mats and bounce on our toes to get the blood moving…

Story continues