DENVER ( KDVR ) — Daylight saving time starts on Sunday when the clocks spring forward. Most of the United States will see a later sunset, however, there won’t be significantly more daylight until the end of March.
Daylight saving time started when an entomologist from New Zealand proposed the idea because he wanted more time to look for bugs , ultimately starting the long-standing practice where most of the country switches the clocks back an hour in the winter, then forward an hour in the spring.
What Colorado would look like if it stayed on daylight saving time
So, while most of the U.S. will lose an hour of sleep on Sunday, the length of sunlight will start to get longer.
According to Time and Date , on Saturday, March 8, the sun will rise at 6:21 a.m. and set at 5:59 p.m., leaving Denver with a total of 11 hours and 38 minutes of daylight. Then, after the clocks spring forward on March 9, the sun will rise at 7:20 a.m. and set at 7:01 p.m., leaving Denver with 11 hours and 40 minutes of daylight…