You Know You’re From Miami If… 12 Signs That Prove It

PSA: If you’re from Miami, skim the headlines and head to the bottom of this article to let us know if we missed anything; we all know you don’t need to read the nitty-gritty details about life in your city.

If you’re anyone else and ever wondered how to spot someone from Miami, you’re in for an (entertaining) treat. Here are 12 signs that scream, “I’m from Miami!”

They’re Fluent in Spanglish

Miami locals don’t just speak English or Spanish. They blend the two into a magical mix called Spanglish. You’ll hear phrases like, “Let’s go to la playa, bro,” or “Que cool, right?” This seamless switch between languages is second nature for many Miamians.

Being bilingual is common in Miami, thanks to its large Hispanic population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 75.1% of Miami-Dade County’s residents speak a language other than English at home, with Spanish leading the charge. If someone can flawlessly mix “bro” and “oye” in a sentence, they’re probably from Miami.

They Know Traffic Is Inevitable

Miami traffic is legendary, and locals have come to terms with it. Rush hour can feel eternal, and major highways like I-95 and the Palmetto Expressway are often clogged. Miamians know to leave extra time for commutes and use apps like Waze religiously…

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