New San Francisco meme takes over social media

Everyone on Reddit is a comedian, unlicensed medical professional, armchair political strategist, relationship expert and psychologist — all while somehow finding the time to be romantically involved with your mom . And for 24 hours this week, everyone on r/sanfrancisco, San Francisco’s Reddit page, wore one additional hat: urban planner.

On Wednesday, the page was flooded with posts about tunnels as users shared increasingly ludicrous proposals for subterranean passageways for car traffic.

Like most bouts of s—tposting, the discourse began in earnest. On Wednesday, one user shared a modest proposal : a map of Golden Gate Park with a vertical line drawn through it, connecting the two stretches of 36th Avenue. This, the user argued, was where the city ought to place a tunnel, similar to Boston’s Big Dig and Seattle’s state Route 99 tunnel. The idea was “good for pedestrians, good for cyclists, good for drivers,” the user wrote. The post garnered nearly 200 upvotes and more comments debating the idea’s efficacy…

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