Gracefully Gourmet cuts the ribbon on March 3

The Huntington County Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting at the new Gracefully Gourmet bakery in downtown Huntington on March 3. The new bakery is located at 37 E. Washington Street, formerly Bear & Beak Bakery. Shown in the photo at center cutting the ribbon is Brittany Renkenberger, executive director, Place of Grace, which owns the business. Others in the photo include Terry Miller, county council, front row at left, and Mayor Richard Strick at right, both holding the ribbon. Others shown are board members of Place of Grace, Chamber Ambassadors, representatives of local churches, family and friends.

Gracefully Gourmet officially opened their doors for business with a Huntington County Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting on Monday, March 3. The bakery is located at 37 E. Washington Street, formerly Bear & Beak Bakery owned by Kyle and Sharon Metzger.

“Gracefully Gourmet is considered so much more than a bakery,” according to their Facebook page. “Gracefully Gourmet is considered a social enterprise of Place of Grace that provides recovery-friendly employment and vocational training for program participants through the production and sales of our life-changing treats.”…

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