Talking Animals: Dog trainer and behaviorist (& ex-WMNF programmer) Glen Hatchell returns for another installment of “Ask The Trainer”

As we’ve done 11 times prior—spanning nearly four years–today’s program involved setting aside the usual “Talking Animals” format in order to present the show-length feature, “Ask The Trainer.”

In each instance, listeners are invited to call or email questions about their dogs or cats, particularly involving behavioral issues or training concerns. The Trainer these listeners have an opportunity to consult is Glen Hatchell, the now-retired Behavior and Enrichment Manager at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, and an accomplished dog trainer and behaviorist. He is also a former WMNF programmer, and occasionally guest host “Talking Animals”—as he’ll do on March 26.

In today’s edition, before taking the first listener question, Glen spoke about the importance of socialization for dogs, drawing partly on three books by authors and behaviorists he admires to cobble together a definition, and go on to broadly discuss the concept…

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