Clovis Police to focus on parking violations soon

CLOVIS, N.M. (KAMR/KCIT) — Today, the Clovis Police Department announced that it will begin focusing on parking violations and complaints in the upcoming weeks.

CPD stated that it will prioritize the following violations improper parking, abandoned vehicles, and the parking of heavy vehicles within the City of Clovis.

Clovis Police Department to conduct DWI patrols, checkpoints in March

Officials listed some common violations with their name and ordinance:

  • “Parking in an Alley” 12-6-6.4
  • “Parking over 18 inches from a Curb” 12-6-6.2A
  • “Stopping/Standing/Parking on a Sidewalk” 12-6-6.1A1
  • “Stopping/Standing/Parking in front of Pub/Priv Driveway” 12-6-6.1A2
  • “Stopping/Standing/Parking 15 ft of Fire Hydrant” 12-6-6.1A4
  • “Stopping/Standing/Parking w/in 30 ft of Stop Sign/Signal” 12-6-6.1A7
  • “Parking where Official Signs Prohibit Stopping” 12-6-6.1A14
  • “Additional Parking Regulations, Curbed, Rt Wheels, 18 inches from” 12-6-6.2A
  • “Parking F/Certain Purposes Prohibited (repairing vehicle)” 12-6-6.6.2
  • “Parking Adjacent to Schools Prohibited” 12-6-6.7
  • “Parking in Des. Disabled Parking Spaces (Handicapped)” 12-9-9A
  • “Stop/Stand/Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets” 12-6-6.12
  • “Parking RV or Rec. Travel Trailer on public street” 10.16.020
  • “Heavy Vehicle (Semi in Residential area) Prohibited” 10.12.010
  • “Unhitched Trailer on Street” 12-6-13.3

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