Andrew Cuomo reveals plan to crack down on NYC e-bikes — including holding delivery apps responsible for reckless drivers

Big Apple mayoral candidate Andrew Cuomo has proposed legislation to register e-bikes with special city plates — and then hold food delivery apps liable for accidents in a bid to curb reckless driving and deadly crashes.

E-bikes caused 75% of bicycle-related deaths in 2023 and more than 7,200 injuries, including nearly 500 pedestrian injuries, according to the city Department of Transportation.

“There’s virtually no rules and no regulations regarding e-bike use in New York City and too many New Yorkers are getting hurt, and even killed,” said Cuomo, the ex-governor making a comeback bid for City Hall.

“Enough is enough and we need to pass sensible laws that protect both pedestrians and riders alike and crack down on financial incentives that encourage this reckless behavior in the first place.”…

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