Woman Captures the Perfect Photo of a Seagull, Not Realizing What’s Happening Behind Her (Exclusive)

Katie Tucker and Elijah Fulkerson met when they were 16

  • Katie Tucker and her boyfriend Elijah Fulkerson met when they were 16 years old
  • Over the past year, the couple discussed getting engaged. So, in February while in Oregon for Valentine’s Day visiting Fulkerson’s family, Fulkerson decided to get down on one knee
  • However, while Fulkerson tried to propose, Tucker’s focus was elsewhere: on taking a picture of a seagull

Katie Tucker and her boyfriend Elijah Fulkerson had been talking about getting engaged for more than a year. But when Fulkerson eventually got down on one knee in February, Tucker’s focus was elsewhere.

The proposal unfolded while the couple, who met when they were 16, were in Oregon for Valentine’s Day visiting Fulkerson’s family. On the first day of their trip, Fulkerson’s parents took them to the coast, where the group stopped at a beach called Yaquina Head, which features picturesque scenery and a lighthouse.

While on the beach, Tucker and Fulkerson, both 21, were walking when Tucker saw some seals in the water, so she started recording them. While recording the seals, a seagull started flying in front of her, and she began filming that for about two minutes.

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