Governor Hochul Announces $30 Million Is Now Available For Efficient Electrification Upgrades At Hospitals Across New York State

Governor Hochul today announced $30 million is now available through the Empire Building Challenge: Hospitals program to support demonstration projects that showcase innovative pathways to achieving meaningful electrification retrofits that can be replicated and scaled at hospitals throughout the state. Today’s announcement will improve energy efficiency, lower operating costs and reduce emissions, making existing hospitals cleaner and healthier.

“New York State is leading the way forward with innovative solutions that tackle our energy challenges,” Governor Hochul said. “Hospitals are the cornerstones of our communities and this investment will drive efforts to make them cleaner, more efficient and safer for healthcare workers, patients and visitors as we work to electrify this critical sector of our economy.”

The Empire Building Challenge (EBC): Hospitals program, administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), provides funding to help hospitals overcome cost barriers and challenges to energy-saving investments while improving the resiliency of healthcare facilities. NYSERDA will award up to $5 million to selected hospitals for the construction and installation of scalable, efficient low-carbon solutions, such as electrification of building systems, electrification readiness projects, and comprehensive energy efficiency projects that will achieve significant energy and carbon reductions. Eligible facilities include licensed, existing in-patient hospitals primarily focused on delivering acute, short-term medical and surgical care for patients, including diagnosis, treatment and inpatient housing…

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