Appeals court: Council erred in rejecting gas station, store between Lafayette and Youngsville

A state appeals court has ruled that the Lafayette Parish Council erred in 2023 when it rejected plans for a convenience store and gas station in an unincorporated area between Lafayette and Youngsville.

“As it is undisputed that Plaintiff’s application complied with the (Lafayette Development Code), the Parish Council acted unreasonably in finding that it did not comply with the (Comprehensive) Plan,” Van Kyzar, Third Circuit Court of Appeal judge, wrote in the ruling. “We find that it acted arbitrarily and capriciously and in violation of Plaintiff’s due process rights by denying its plat application.”

Singh Signature Stores, the owner of Grab-N-Geaux convenience stores in south Louisiana, bought property at the intersection of Fortune Road and Chemin Metairie Road to build a convenience store and gas station. The property, which is not zoned, abutts residences that are not incorporated into any city…

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