‘Unauthorized Entry’: Seven undocumented immigrants detained in Indian River County

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, Fla (CBS12) — Law enforcement officials in Indian River County have made multiple arrests on Monday. Among those detained, at least seven individuals were found to be undocumented immigrants.

Deputies responded to a 911 call about a possible burglary at a Vero Beach business. While no theft occurred, three individuals—Honduran nationals Jeison Caballero-Luque and Emerson Amador-Palma, along with Rolando Canalas-Flores of Nicaragua, were charged with Resisting Arrest and Unauthorized entry into Florida without inspection.

At least three other individuals were detained during a traffic stop by the Florida Highway Patrol and were charged for being in the country illegally. This raises questions about whether these actions are part of Florida’s latest push for stricter immigration enforcement in collaboration with federal authorities…

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