New Bill Aims to Increase Affordable Housing Options Amid Rising Rental Prices, With Support from Key Organizations and Amendments to Prevent Misuse
Fla. News Network — As Florida faces a dire housing shortage and rental prices soar, state lawmakers are pushing a bold fix: allowing accessory dwelling units (ADUs), colloquially known as “granny flats,” in residential zones statewide. Proposed by Rep. Rep. Bill Conerly, and championed by groups like the Florida Chamber of Commerce and AARP Florida, House Bill 247 (HB 247) seeks to loosen local restrictions on ADUs to expand housing options. However, fears that these units could morph into vacation rentals have led to a critical amendment banning leases shorter than 30 days.
“This is about creating more opportunities for Floridians to live affordably,” T.L
HB 247 seeks to streamline and standardize the permitting process for ADUs across Florida. Currently, local ordinances often place significant restrictions on ADU construction, making it difficult and expensive for homeowners to add these units. The bill aims to create a consistent set of regulations at the state level, simplifying the process and encouraging the development of ADUs. A crucial amendment to the bill now explicitly prohibits short-term rentals, addressing concerns about ADUs being used as vacation rentals. Florida’s housing crisis has intensified in recent years as population growth outpaces construction. According to the Florida Housing Coalition, the state faces a deficit of over 500,000 affordable rental units for low-income residents.…