Are you like just about every Michigander, and you have some plans to go “up north” this summer? Well, that trip is about to get a whole lot harder.
No one likes construction, but it’s a necessary evil to make sure that everything is safe enough for us to drive on. And that’s especially important when it comes to a bridge that’s over water, which is exactly what’s about to see construction.
Major Bridge Construction Will Affect Michigan Summer Travel Plans
If you live south of Saginaw County in some fashion and you take I-75 to go up north, get ready for construction this summer.
The Lansing State Journal reports that the Zilwaukee Bridge is going to have lane closures beginning this spring and running through the fall.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is kicking off a $2.9 million construction project on April 15th. During this first phase of the project, the southbound lanes of I-75 on the Zilwaukee Bridge will be shut down.
When is Construction on I-75 Happening?
This first phase is anticipated to run from April 15th to June 27th. The second phase is expected to run from July 14th to sometime in November…