Downtown Cedar Rapids parade returns on St. Patrick’s Day

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — After returning to the traditional day last year, the annual SaPaDaPaSo — St. Patrick’s Day Parade Society — parade will again be held on March 17.

In 2022, organizers cited a challenge with finding volunteers during the workweek in moving the parade to the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day, but returned to the traditional day in 2024.

The 2025 parade begins at 1 p.m. Monday, March 17, on the city’s standard downtown parade route: Sixth Street SE, turning left on Second Avenue SE; left on First Street SE; left on Third Avenue SE; and ending at Greene Square Park.

Organizers note that the city will enforce no parking for all streets along the route from 10 a.m. through the end of the parade at approximately 3:30 p.m. All vehicles not moved prior to the beginning of enforcement periods will be towed at the owner’s expense. The no parking rule will also be enforced in the staging areas beginning at 10 a.m…

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