Kansas City, Missouri Now a City Where Homes are Hard to Sell?

I find this hard to believe, but there are numbers that apparently prove the point. New data shows that Kansas City, Missouri has suddenly become a place where homes are hard to sell.

I have been fortunate to have many friends in Missouri that are real estate brokers or agents and this is one of those times where I wish one of them was in the Kansas City market because I would love to know if this is the reality according to new numbers just shared by 24/7 Wall St. They listed 15 markets across America where homes remain on the market for the longest and Kansas City, Missouri is near the top of the list.

The exact definition says they determined this list of hard to sell homes in cities “where homes are on the market for the longest based on median days”. The median number for the amount of days a home stays on the market is a staggering 75.

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