Tenants of apartment complex set new precedent in class action lawsuit win

Tenants of Mint Urban Infinity Apartments in Denver are receiving justice after living in long-term uninhabitable conditions that lasted years for some. A class action lawsuit filed by more than 200 tenants back in 2021 was the first of its kind in the state of Colorado, challenging the warranty of habitability .

After an 8-day trial that began March 3 and an additional day of deliberation, the jury ruled in favor of one out of two of the classes that were approved by a judge back in February 2024.

The jury ruled the warranty of habitability in the state was violated by defendants Cardinal Management Group and Glendale Properties I and II. In the verdict, the jury awarded tenants a 31.42% rent reduction per unit per month for all tenants living at Mint Urban Infinity between Oct. 22, 2018 through June 28, 2022, according to the plaintiff legal team on this case. It was also found the defendants violated their obligations to maintain the property under the lease for damages of $200 per unit per month. The plaintiff legal team estimated at least 2,000 tenants benefited from this jury verdict…

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