There’s a little-known safety feature that bus drivers can activate in an emergency that the public needs to know about.
Every once in a while you stumble across some important information while scrolling through social media. This week, between videos of people exploding balloons filled with shaving cream and footage of rude customers getting kicked out of restaurants I found some information that is very useful and could save a life.
Don’t Ignore This Signal From a Public Bus
Instagram user Simon Soloway recently posted a video of a public bus flashing a message that says “Emergency” and “911 Call Police”. Confused, Soloway asked if he was supposed to call 911 or if this was some sort of public service about calling 911 if you experience an emergency.
Personally, I wasn’t sure what I would do if I saw something like this so I decided to do a little more research. Surprisingly, I found out that this is an actual emergency and bystanders are supposed to call 911 to report it…