Illinois physician pleads guilty to evading $1.6M in taxes

A Lake Forest, Ill., physician has pleaded guilty to tax evasion for hiding assets and lying to the IRS about his ability to pay approximately $1.6 million in taxes.

What happened?

  • From 2011 to 2017, Krishnaswami Sriram, MD, evaded payment of around $1.6 million owed to the IRS.
  • Dr. Sriram took several actions, including transferring the ownership, on paper only, of two rental properties to his children without their knowledge, while still collecting income from the properties.
  • He also transferred about $600,000 from U.S. accounts to India and submitted false documents to the IRS, omitting an investment account, Indian bank and investment accounts, and rental property ownership to evade taxes.
  • Additionally,…

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