Florida Man Steals Motorcycle and Crashes, Tells Cops He Doesn’t Know What Happened

It’s a joke. It’s a meme. It’s reality, which is sorta sad when you think about it. But each and every day, the internet becomes filled with headlines of Florida Man, a mythical hero who sacrifices themselves at the base of the altar of the interwebs, all in the pursuit of fame and glory. And most times meth.

Yet, Florida Man is truly just a product of how the state releases police arrest information to the general public, unlike many other states. That means we’d likely also have California Man, New York Man, Mississippi Man, and Alaska Man, though the latter might just be a bear or moose.

However, until the time comes as to when those others rise up and take their place in the pantheon of insane arrests, we still have Florida to keep us entertained. And today’s story about a Florida man stealing a motorcycle, crashing it almost immediately, and then waiting around for the police to show up only to tell them he had no clue why he was sitting next to the bike, is certainly a funny one for the books…

Story continues