Grand Rapids police deploy pepper spray to break up downtown fights

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Grand Rapids Police Chief Eric Winstrom said officers deployed pepper spray and pepper balls to disperse large crowds of people downtown after several fights broke out this weekend.

No injuries were reported in the incident, which happened in the early morning hours of Saturday, March 15, near Commerce Avenue and Oakes Street in Grand Rapids, Winstrom said. Five people were arrested on various charges including disorderly conduct, resisting and obstructing police officers, and assault.

Police were already monitoring the area that evening due to large crowds of people that had gathered in the area, in part due to a sold-out show at a nearby music venue, he said. Officers estimated there were as many as 400 people walking around the street that evening.

At 2:25 a.m., a “large fist fight” broke out in the area, and nearby officers quickly worked to break up the fight and called for more backup. “Numerous” other fights broke out from there, which Winstrom said was fueled by “warm weather, and a lot of alcohol and bad decisions.”…

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