Back in the Day: ‘To Lord’s Drug Store!’

Editor’s note: As part of Xpress‘ annual Kids Issue series we invited readers to submit past stories from their childhood in WNC. This is one of several entries.

I was born with cerebral palsy in 1960 and grew up on Beaverdam Knoll. My parents wanted me to experience life to the fullest, so one thing my daddy always did was take me for long walks pushing me down Beaverdam Road in my wheelchair that I named Black Beauty.

Mostly we’d roll down to the candy store at the end of Beaverdam, where the road splits to go up to the Blue Ridge Parkway. But on the day I am writing about we did something a little crazy! Daddy handed me a stick and said, “Point the direction you want to go, Barb,” and I pointed toward town and called out, “To Lord’s Drug Store!”…

Story continues