COLLEGE PARK, Md. (7News) — A Maryland man accused of placing a recording device inside a bathroom in a University of Maryland – College Park residence hall bathroom is facing charges after turning himself in to police, according to college police.
UMD Police said 19-year-old Noah White of Harford County is facing peeping tom charges after a female resident of Johnson-Whittle Hall reported the device on March 11. UMD Police filed charges on March 14, according to a statement.
Officials said the device was found inside the private bathroom at around 9:10 p.m., but no other devices were found by campus police who arrived to the scene at around 10:35 p.m.
White reportedly turned himself into the Prince George’s County Department of Corrections on March 18, on charges of peeping tom, visual surveillance in a private place – prurient intent, and visual surveillance – private area…