LOUISIANA ALERT: Large Plume of Dust Moving Into Area Behind Cold Front

( Lafayette , Louisiana) – For those who suffer from allergies in Louisiana, we have some unfortunate news to share with you as a cold front approaches the region.

While winter doesn’t appear to want to leave the south, Spring is here, meaning those with allergies will soon have to deal with dust and pollen in the air. Add to that a large plume of dust moving in and that can make it miserable for some.

As the cold front sweeps across the area by later this week, behind it will be a lot of dust in the air.

Not only will the dust in the atmosphere spike your allergies, but it will also create a hazy appearance across your area. If you want anything good from the dust in the air, it should make for some beautiful sunsets, but if you suffer from allergies, that may not be enough to excite you…

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