Concerns fuel packed school board meeting

(WESTERN WAYNE NEWS) — Students, parents, administrators and board members attending Western Wayne School Board’s March 12 meeting brought their frustrations, concerns and demands for action. Many seemed to agree that there are problems in the school district that need addressing, but there was little consensus on how exactly to go about it.

Few people usually attend the meetings, generally not even Lincoln Middle/High School’s Students of the Month being recognized, but in this case, a large room at LMHS was packed to the point of being standing room only.

The grievances that nearly 30 different speakers expressed were varied, as were the people they were directed to. From allegations of misconduct by school employees and board members to complaints about facilities, from expressions of division to pleas for unity, the meeting carried on for close to three hours. Tensions were high at times, and not much was resolved. But it was also a gathering of people who seemed to care deeply about the school, each in their own way trying to figure out the right thing for its students and its future.

Misconduct allegations

Chad Lieberman, director of titles and grants, told the meeting he’s reported employee and board member misconduct he has witnessed to various officials and felt he had no options left but to resign effective June 30…

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