Clink. CLANK. Kaboom! Sitting in traffic at the corner of Bristol and 17th, you hear what sounds like a power drill in a washing machine. You check your engine light but your motor hasn’t exploded, instead, it’s three headbanging rockers outside thrashing their instruments.
Two weeks ago the trio performed on the sidewalk of the congested intersection in front of a purple spray-painted “Piss Off” sign that hung on the chain-link fence behind them. It sounded as if they were playing dodgeball with their instruments and like a swarm of bees had engulfed you.
Born out of an edible trip gone wrong, The Nobödy’s have performed throughout California but mostly play in public in Santa Ana, among other places in OC, whenever they feel like it. They’ve played on First Street, in DTSA, and have been kicked out of UCI’s campus twice…