The reason I bring this up is that I recently got an email from a guy…let’s just call him Gary (because that’s actually his name), who had just found out that a package he ordered had been delivered to Rockford. Not our Rockford, as in Rockford, Illinois, but Rockford, Michigan.
In his email, Gary explained that he had no idea that there was any other Rockford than the one right here in Northern Illinois, saying “Well, at least I didn’t know until I ran the tracking number on a package I had recently ordered. My email confirmation said that it had been delivered to me, but it wasn’t. It turns out that it was nearly 300 miles from here, in Rockford, Michigan. You and Joe seem to know everything, so how the hell many Rockfords are there?“
The first thought I had was that anyone who thinks that Joe and I know everything probably doesn’t get out too much. The second thought was that I needed to know the answer to his question, so I did some searching.
Would You Be Surprised To Know That There Are Almost 20 Different Places In The Country That Are Named Rockford (or have Rockford in their name)?…