Community comes together to support neighbors affected by blizzard

  • Video shows Heartland Hope Mission in West Omaha.
  • The blizzard left thousands without power, causing food loss and hardship, but community support is helping neighbors restock essential items through the Heartland Hope Mission.
  • The Heartland Hope Mission, with the help of volunteers and case workers, provides ready-to-eat meals, frozen foods, non-perishables, and clothes to families in need.


The blizzard on Wednesday left thousands without power. Many neighbors are still dealing with the effects, and in some cases, losing food due to the outages. But thanks to help from our community, they are able to restock on the important necessities. At the Heartland Hope Mission, neighbors are getting everything they need with the help of volunteers and case workers.

“This is really helping some of the working poor who are maybe one bill away from being homeless,” said DeGroot…

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