The Enormous Secondhand Shop That’s Worth A Drive From Anywhere In Virginia

You know that feeling when you discover something so good you want to keep it secret, but it’s also so amazing you can’t help but tell everyone?

That’s the dilemma I face with the CHKD Thrift Store on Virginia Beach Boulevard – a veritable wonderland of secondhand treasures that has me questioning whether I should share this information or selfishly keep it all to myself.

Located at 3605 Virginia Beach Blvd in Virginia Beach, this unassuming brick building with bold red lettering is the mothership of thrift stores – the kind of place that makes you forget you have other commitments for the day.

I’ve seen people walk in for “just a quick look” and emerge three hours later, dazed but triumphant, arms laden with finds they didn’t know they needed until that very moment…

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