Colorado’s Most Powerful Earthquake Really Tipped the Ritcher Scale

Colorado is a mountainous, seismically active state. Fortunately, most of the earthquakes that strike the state are not that powerful . One earthquake in the Centennial State was more powerful than any other recorded in the state. Today, we’re going to show you everything you need to know about Colorado’s most powerful earthquake! Discover its power, the area it affected, and the impact it had on people living near the epicenter!

What Was Colorado’s Most Powerful Earthquake?

Colorado’s most powerful earthquake was a 6.6 M w event that struck on November 8, 1882. According to the United States Geological Survey , the quake occurred at roughly 6:30 p.m. local time on November 7, but it is considered November 8 at 1:30 p.m. when using UTC.

The seismic event had an intensity listed as VII or very strong shaking on the Modified Mercalli intensity scale . Although the shaking was powerful, the damage to most buildings was minor. Chimneys may have broken as they tend to do during quakes. The depth at which the quake struck is unknown, though.

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